Data Wrangling with Julia#


Data wrangling is a very important step in machine learning, and raw (scraped/downloaded from the internet) data should be cleaned out before training the models. Pandas is incredibly powerful and well-developed module in Python to analyze and manipulate the data, so I have gained some basic experience in the last few years. However, Julia, high-level programming language, has been increasingly getting popular in data science. While I try to learn syntax of Julia to add to my skill set, I prepared this post to show similarities in between Julia/DataFrames and Python/Pandas. I hope this will encourage people to see how easy it is to code in Julia.

Recently, there was an online event to learn the basics of machine learning (luckily, I attended). In the first part, data wrangling was explained well in detail using Python/Pandas. Those who are interested in seeing the original repository by Shadi Khalifa and accessing the source files can refer to the repository.

Basically, I repeated what was done in Python/Julia to gain confidence in Julia/DataFrames. This first block of code is the Python code, and the following codes are Julia code and output from Julia REPL, respectively. I didn’t explicitly show Python output, but it can be found in Jupyter Notebook.

There will be no separate reference for each block of code, and well-written documentation of both modules can be accessed using the links below.

Since both modules and programming languages are getting updates frequently, some of the codes may not properly run in the most recent version. Therefore, I listed the versions that I used to create outputs.


  • Python: 3.9.7

    • Pandas (conda): 1.3.5

  • Julia: 1.7.1

    • CSV: 0.9.11

    • DataFrames: 1.3.1

    • DataFramesMeta: 0.10.0

If you are new to Julia, you can refer to the Julia documentation and watch julia for talented ameteurs channel on YouTube to gain basic knowledge.

First of all, we need to import modules and a CSV (data) file.

# Python
import Pandas as pd

df_airbnb = pd.read_csv("airbnb.csv")
# Julia
using CSV, DataFrames

df_airbnb = DataFrame(CSV.File("airbnb.csv"))

The first or last five rows of the dataframe can be printed with the following commands:

  • Python: df_airbnb.head(5) and df_airbnb.tail(5)

  • Julia: first(df_airbnb, 5) and last(df_airbnb, 5)

If you are using vscode and Julia extension is installed. Dataframe can be visualized by vscodedisplay(df_airbnb).

Let’s see how many rows and columns we have in the dataset.

# Python
# Julia
@show size(df_airbnb)
# Julia REPL output
size(df_airbnb) = (7072, 96)

Also, method and describe(df_airbnb) function can be used to get detailed information about datasets in Python/Pandas and Julia/DataFrames, respectively.

There are 96 columns and 7072 rows, as you can see from the output. Since not all of these columns are necessary to train the model, we selected some of the columns from the main dataframe.

# The same array in Python and Julia
columns_needed = [
# Python
df_cleaned = df_airbnb[columns_needed]
# Julia
df_cleaned = df_airbnb[!, columns_needed]

To see what type of elements we have in each column, you can use:

  • Python: df_cleaned.dtypes

  • Julia: [names(df_cleaned) eltype.(eachcol(df_cleaned))]

# Julia REPL output
25×2 Matrix{Any}:
 "host_is_superhost"            Union{Missing, String1}
 "cancellation_policy"          Union{Missing, String31}
 "instant_bookable"             Union{Missing, String1}
 "host_total_listings_count"    Union{Missing, Int64}
 "neighbourhood_cleansed"       Union{Missing, String31}
 "zipcode"                      Union{Missing, Int64}
 "latitude"                     Union{Missing, Float64}
 "longitude"                    Union{Missing, Float64}
 "property_type"                Union{Missing, String31}
 "room_type"                    Union{Missing, String15}
 "accommodates"                 Union{Missing, Int64}
 "bathrooms"                    Union{Missing, Float64}
 "bedrooms"                     Union{Missing, Int64}
 "beds"                         Union{Missing, Int64}
 "bed_type"                     Union{Missing, String15}
 "minimum_nights"               Union{Missing, Int64}
 "number_of_reviews"            Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_rating"         Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_accuracy"       Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_cleanliness"    Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_checkin"        Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_communication"  Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_location"       Union{Missing, Int64}
 "review_scores_value"          Union{Missing, Int64}
 "price"                        Union{Missing, String15}

As can be seen above, Julia gives you Union type which consists of Missing and other data types (Int, String, and Float) meaning that we have missing data in each column. Also, missing data (NaN) can easily be observed with method in Python as well.

df_cleaned = df_cleaned.replace({"price": r"[\$,]"}, {"price": ""}, regex=True)
df_cleaned['price'] = df_cleaned["price"].astype("float64")  
df_cleaned.price .= passmissing(x -> replace(x, (r"[\$,]" => ""))).(df_cleaned.price)
df_cleaned.price = passmissing(parse).(Float64, df_cleaned.price)
df_cleaned[["host_is_superhost", "host_total_listings_count", "zipcode"]].describe() 
# Python output
host_total_listings_count	zipcode
count	5165.000000	5101.000000
mean	42.044530	94114.965105
std	199.120312	15.394828
min	0.000000	94014.000000
25%	1.000000	94109.000000
50%	2.000000	94114.000000
75%	5.000000	94118.000000
max	1475.000000	94965.000000
describe(df_cleaned[!, ["host_is_superhost", "host_total_listings_count", "zipcode"]])
# Julia REPL output
3×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable                   mean     min    median   max    nmissing  eltype                  
     │ Symbol                     Union…   Any    Union…   Any    Int64     Union                   
   1 │ host_is_superhost                   f               t          1907  Union{Missing, String1}
   2 │ host_total_listings_count  42.0445  0      2.0      1475       1907  Union{Missing, Int64}
   3 │ zipcode                    94115.0  94014  94114.0  94965      1971  Union{Missing, Int64}
df_cleaned_NaN_zip = df_cleaned.dropna(subset=["zipcode"]) 
df_cleaned_NaN_zip = dropmissing(df_cleaned, "zipcode")
[names(df_cleaned_NaN_zip) eltype.(eachcol(df_cleaned_NaN_zip))]
# The same array in Python and Julia
impute_cols = [
df_imputed = df_cleaned_NaN_zip.fillna(df_cleaned_NaN_zip.median()[impute_cols])
# Python output

host_total_listings_count	zipcode	latitude	longitude	accommodates	bathrooms	bedrooms	beds	minimum_nights	number_of_reviews	review_scores_rating	review_scores_accuracy	review_scores_cleanliness	review_scores_checkin	review_scores_communication	review_scores_location	review_scores_value	price
count	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.00000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5.101000e+03	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000	5101.000000
mean	37.652421	94114.965105	37.765107	-122.431748	3.215056	1.31435	1.372672	1.768085	1.961955e+04	57.894334	95.616742	9.784552	9.650853	9.885709	9.857283	9.651833	9.458734	208.301510
std	194.230240	15.394828	0.022179	0.026419	1.932137	0.70748	0.922757	1.193006	1.400143e+06	78.761133	6.259013	0.607183	0.699743	0.448607	0.538717	0.673541	0.748405	292.403995
min	0.000000	94014.000000	37.706149	-122.513065	1.000000	0.00000	0.000000	0.000000	1.000000e+00	0.000000	20.000000	2.000000	2.000000	2.000000	2.000000	2.000000	2.000000	0.000000
25%	1.000000	94109.000000	37.750436	-122.443752	2.000000	1.00000	1.000000	1.000000	2.000000e+00	5.000000	95.000000	10.000000	9.000000	10.000000	10.000000	9.000000	9.000000	99.000000
50%	2.000000	94114.000000	37.764713	-122.426608	2.000000	1.00000	1.000000	1.000000	3.000000e+00	26.000000	97.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	149.000000
75%	4.000000	94118.000000	37.783214	-122.412679	4.000000	1.50000	2.000000	2.000000	3.000000e+01	81.000000	99.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	233.000000
max	1475.000000	94965.000000	37.810306	-122.370428	16.000000	8.00000	7.000000	14.000000	1.000000e+08	649.000000	100.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	10.000000	9000.000000
using Statistics; using Impute

df_imputed = copy(df_cleaned_NaN_zip)
df_imputed[!, impute_cols] = Impute.substitute(df_cleaned_NaN_zip[!, impute_cols], statistic=median)
# Julia REPL output
25×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable                     mean      min              median    max               nmissing  eltype                   ⋯
     │ Symbol                       Union…    Any              Union…    Any               Int64     Type                     ⋯
   1 │ host_is_superhost                      f                          t                        0  Union{Missing, String1}  ⋯
   2 │ cancellation_policy                    flexible                   super_strict_60          0  Union{Missing, String31}
   3 │ instant_bookable                       f                          t                        0  Union{Missing, String1}
   4 │ host_total_listings_count    37.6524   0                2.0       1475                     0  Union{Missing, Int64}
   5 │ neighbourhood_cleansed                 Bayview                    Western Addition         0  Union{Missing, String31} ⋯
   6 │ zipcode                      94115.0   94014            94114.0   94965                    0  Int64
   7 │ latitude                     37.7651   37.7061          37.7647   37.8103                  0  Union{Missing, Float64}
   8 │ longitude                    -122.432  -122.513         -122.427  -122.37                  0  Union{Missing, Float64}
   9 │ property_type                          Aparthotel                 Villa                    0  Union{Missing, String31} ⋯
  10 │ room_type                              Entire home/apt            Shared room              0  Union{Missing, String15}
  11 │ accommodates                 3.21506   1                2.0       16                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  12 │ bathrooms                    1.31435   0.0              1.0       8.0                      0  Union{Missing, Float64}
  13 │ bedrooms                     1.37267   0                1.0       7                        0  Union{Missing, Int64}    ⋯
  14 │ beds                         1.76808   0                1.0       14                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  15 │ bed_type                               Airbed                     Real Bed                 0  Union{Missing, String15}
  16 │ minimum_nights               19619.6   1                3.0       100000000                0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  17 │ number_of_reviews            57.8943   0                26.0      649                      0  Union{Missing, Int64}    ⋯
  18 │ review_scores_rating         95.6167   20               97.0      100                      0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  19 │ review_scores_accuracy       9.78455   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  20 │ review_scores_cleanliness    9.65085   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  21 │ review_scores_checkin        9.88571   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}    ⋯
  22 │ review_scores_communication  9.85728   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  23 │ review_scores_location       9.65183   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  24 │ review_scores_value          9.45873   2                10.0      10                       0  Union{Missing, Int64}
  25 │ price                        208.302   0.0              149.0     9000.0                   0  Union{Missing, Float64}  ⋯